<Span Class="caps">SDN</Span> in the Enterprise

Read­ing Time: < 1 minute

I recent­ly wrote a mul­ti-part blog series for Cis­co and, as we know, while it may seem like the writ­ing is all of the work, get­ting the word out is at least as hard. So, for those of you who have already seen this, I apol­o­gize. For the rest of you, I have includ­ed a link below.

This first part large­ly sets the stage, while the sec­ond part (com­ing on August 14t) will draw more con­clu­sions. Com­ments are wel­come, as is word-of-mouth adver­tis­ing. 🙂

Thanks, every­one!

SDN in the Enter­prise