New Post Delay…

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For all of you pay­ing any atten­tion at all, I owe you an apol­o­gy on the com­plete lack of writ­ing the last week or so.  Last week, how­ev­er, a large pile of back­o­rdered Cis­co gear showed up at the office and need­ed to be staged *imme­di­ate­ly* or as close to that as could rea­son­ably be expect­ed.  We’re in the throes of a com­plete infra­struc­ture upgrade and every­thing sort of backed up unex­pect­ed­ly with the recent deliv­ery prob­lems from Cis­co.  I would ques­tion how that becomes my prob­lem, but after 16+ years doing this pro­fes­sion­al­ly, I already know the answer to that ques­tion.  At any rate, look for a new post in my series on 802.1x in the next day or so.