DisneyWorld Discounts for <Span Class="caps">CLUS</Span> Attendees

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My wife and I were review­ing our post-Cis­co Live plans (hint: we’re Dis­ney junkies) and came across a nifty deal that we were unaware of. We’ve already made our plans, but this might be use­ful to some of you out there who may be think­ing about vist­ing the mouse dur­ing or after Cis­co Live in Orlan­do.


Some good deals there exclu­sive­ly for Cis­co Live atten­dees. Maybe your spouse or sig­nif­i­cant oth­er wants to have some­thing to do dur­ing the day, or maybe you want to hit some parks before or after the con­ven­tion. Either way, check it out.