#<Span Class="caps">CLUS</Span> 2012 Photos

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Because we are com­ing up so quick­ly on Cis­co Live 2013 in Orlan­do, and because it is a Sun­day evening and I can­not find a sin­gle thing I am moti­vat­ed to write about, I decid­ed to build a pho­to gallery of some of my pho­tos from last year’s Cis­co Live con­fer­ence in San Diego. Some of these pho­tos are blur­ry; some are of things you don’t care about; oth­ers are of peo­ple you do not know. That being said, please enjoy and I look for­ward to reunit­ing with the social media crew in a few short weeks.

Cis­co Live 2012 Pho­tos