Cisco Live 2013 Announcement

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I just received this from one of my Linked-in groups and thought I’d share it:

Ear­ly Bird pric­ing dis­count for Orlan­do ends this month. Reg­is­ter now to save up to $300
    Sched­uler opens 26 March. Search for the cours­es you want here <a href=""></a> or go to the course list­ing <a href=""></a> and then vis­it the Event Cat­a­log for course details. NetVets can begin to sched­ule their cours­es on 19 March.
    View our rebroad­casts of two very pop­u­lar IPv6 ses­sions from Cis­co Live and con­nect with the course speak­ers dur­ing the event on twit­ter. Find the ses­sion and chat details for the 21 and 28 March events here <a href=""></a>
    We look for­ward to see­ing you in Orlan­do in June <a href=""></a> and con­nect­ing with you in Cis­co Live 365 <a href=""></a> for thou­sands of on demand ses­sions all year, for free! New ses­sions have just been added from the Mel­bourne event.