Cisco Live!

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I just want­ed to drop a quick note here to let every­one know that I plan on blog­ging a lit­tle more fre­quent­ly this week, as I’ll be in Las Vegas for the annu­al North Amer­i­can Cis­co con­fer­ence: Cis­co Networkers/Live. I can’t promise I’ll be in my room slav­ing over long, elab­o­rate break­downs of technology–maybe an in depth review of whiskey selec­tions by bar–but I will try to post some pic­tures and infor­ma­tion about what I’m see­ing and hear­ing dur­ing the show. In years where I haven’t been able to attend the show, I always liked see­ing and hear­ing from folks who did. Now it’s my turn to give back some­thing, so watch this space…

Oh, and keep up with real-time infor­ma­tion on twit­ter where I hide behind the han­dle @someclown, or G+ where I can be found at: .