Cisco Announces <Span Class="caps">VIRL</Span> on Cloud

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Cis­co just announced today that their VIRL prod­uct, for­mer­ly only avail­able in a per­son­al edi­tion, and an enter­prise edi­tion, will be avail­able in a cloud host­ed ver­sion soon. This new ver­sion will remove a major bar­ri­er to adop­tion, which is the need for horse­pow­er. Now you’ll be able to spin up work­loads sep­a­rate from your own hard­ware, but still access them as if they were local. Any­one with a valid VIRL license will be able to access this ser­vice.

Details of the new release will be announced for­mal­ly on the VIRL web­site and social media plat­forms on 2/16. There will also be a webi­nar on 2/23 to share more about the col­lab­o­ra­tor for this effort, and to walk folks through the set­up.

I real­ly wish I could say more, but suf­fice it to say that this new ver­sion has the poten­tial to be a game chang­er in the world of net­work sim­u­la­tions, train­ing, proof of con­cept devel­op­ment, and in myr­i­ad oth­er use cas­es. Stay tuned.