Packet Pushers Podcast and Network Field Day 7

Read­ing Time: 2 min­utes

I think of myself as some­thing of a con­nois­seur of pro­cras­ti­na­tion, cre­ative and dogged in my approach to not get­ting things done.” Susan Orlean

Net­work Field Day 7 has long since come and gone, and it occurs to me that I haven’t yet writ­ten any­thing in my blog about the event.  Some of that is delib­er­ate as I’m putting a few of my best pieces out for pub­li­ca­tion to sites with a wider audi­ence than my hum­ble lit­tle blog can attract, but some of it is unin­ten­tion­al.  Some of it is just a result of the real­i­ty of how many hours are in a giv­en day.

As it turns out, the toll of 12 hour days at a new job does have an effect on my moti­va­tion, and between that and some class­es I’m tak­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts Low­ell, I’ve had lit­tle time left for fam­i­ly and even less for the ran­dom thoughts or screeds I tend to push out here.  The good news is the class­es are end­ing soon, and the job will stabilize—they always do—and I’m plan­ning on refo­cus­ing most of my free time on my writ­ing.

So, look for a piece on Bro­cade to show up on the inter-webs soon—I’ll let you know here first—followed by some analy­sis of Avaya ’s Short­est Path Bridg­ing (SPB ) and Plexxi ’s affini­ties and mar­ket plays.  I’ll prob­a­bly throw some ran­dom stuff in there too, just because I find that if I go too long with­out blow­ing the dog whis­tle about some­thing or oth­er, I tend to get punchy.  And nobody needs to see that.

In the mean time, and by way of a pre­view of some of my thoughts, I’m includ­ing the links below to a two-part Pack­et Push­ers’ Pod­cast where a few of the del­e­gates from NFD7 —includ­ing this hum­ble author—waxed poet­ic on the event, the ven­dors, indus­try trends, and uni­corns.  I hope this sates the appetite for now, and know that more will be com­ing.

Pack­et Push­ers Pod­cast – Net­work Field Day 7 Part 1

Pack­et Push­ers Pod­cast – Net­work Field Day 7 Part 2